An ISO 9001: 2015 Company
An ISO 9001: 2015 Company
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Palm leaf Manufacturing Factory
​of Adaaya

With humble beginnings in Feb 2015, Adaaya factory has grown in productivity & strength. Working mostly with local women workers, our palm factory manufactures best quality areca leaf plates. 

Adaaya factory

Adaaya Farm is based in Tamil Nadu. The accessibility to areca plantation as well as  port helps us to offer best shipping benefits to our clients. We turn around container in few weeks after the receipt of and export order.


We won the Prestigious ThinkBig Awards in Nov 2016 organised by International Women Entrepreneurs federation called Weconnect International.  Also, followed an award from Delhi Management Association in 2018. Our work was recognised in Indian manufacturing category. 


Manufacturing of Palm Leaf Plates

World's most complicated problems have very simple solutions. The most grievous issue of our times- Single Use Plastics- is used extensively for Food Disposables across the Globe. Disposables for carrying food has been in usage much before the advent of plastic in 1940s. In India, a variety of disposable are crafted from leaf and agro by-products. One such product is Compostable Palm Leaf or commonly known as Areca in India.

These are Simple 5 Steps of Manufacturing Leaf Disposables & Food Boxes 
1.  Adaaya Farm Collects the Fallen Leaf from 300 farmers around the factory.

2.  The raw leaf is brought to the factory on farmers vehicles.

3.  The Leaf is conditioned and curated for moulding.

4.  The ready leaf after preparation is put between heated moulds with appropriate pressure

5.  The baked plates and bowls are removed from machine and packed for shipping.

People at Adaaya

Sasi: One of first joinees, Sasikala has an eye of quality. She is very careful in sorting all products as she knows that our clients love our disposable platters. 

Dhana: Dhana is working with us over an year and she is one of best operators. She is fast and fastidious. Her rejection rates are low and finish is very good. She has 2 children who go to school and she is very happy to contribute to her family income. 

Shivamma:She built her house with her own hands after her husband passed away early. She educated her children thereafter set her own path. We are happy to have her as a trainer to our operators. 

Rukmini: Yet another self made woman of Bhadravathi, she is another good performing operator who showed us how to yet best out of each unit of raw material. 

Areca factory palm leaf
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